Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vacation with Friends...?

I want to go to New Jersey with my friend and her family, but my parents are saying no. I used to behave very badly and do things I shouldn't have done, but I have shown extreme amounts of responsibility in the past few months. Now their excuse to not let me go is because my younger sister went away for the weekend and came home with a bad sunburn, and they will not allow their children to be neglected by other people. I'm almost 17 years old, though. Does anyone have any advice? The vacation is in a week and I'm running out of ideas!
Vacation with Friends...?
you are their child and you are their responcibility.

maybe there is another reason why they dont want you to go. what about finances. its impolite to send your kid on a vacation without funds

just try to talk things out and ask them if there is a specific reason why they dont want you to go with your friend and her family. maybe your parents dont like your friend or something.
Vacation with Friends...?
Sorry , be on your best behavior and pray your parents

will change their minds,, good luck

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