Sunday, August 2, 2009

Irritated skin?

Lastnite my nose and the part of skin above my lips was very irritated...sore and red. and if I smiled it felt tight and ruff. Today It it now mainly the part above lips. PLEASE is there ANYTHING I can do about it???? I have my homecoming dance tonite!!!!!! I don't want my face to be red, and I wana be able to smile without my face feeling like its streching.

I tried that aloe stuff for sunburn , it didn't work. what do i do!?!?!?
Irritated skin?
Irritated skin?
try lipgloss and keep putting it on all day dont smile more then you need to till to night and drink tons of water
Reply:u could use something called vic's for nose and vaseline for lip problem or lip gloss galor.
Reply:try something cool - like a cool compress or even an ice cube though a little messy and then apply a little vaseline to the spot. this will soften it a little. It culd be several things happening. You could be getting a blemish or just the air drying you out but that should help a little
Reply:Doesn't this stuff always happen at times like Homecoming?

Vaseline makes creams that help with this without being oily. I would continuously throughout the day continuously apply cream to the area and put a small bottle of cream in your purse tonight--it would be best if you could find one without a scent and hypoallergenic.

Have fun!
Reply:get some milk from fridge put it on some gauze or flannel apply to the skin for 5 minutes milk has a anti inflammatory properties that will take the itch away or petroleum jelly

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