Sunday, April 19, 2009

Skin started peeling randomly?

Two days ago my skin started peeling. I don%26#039;t have a sunburn and I don%26#039;t use any skin/beauty/make up products because I have discovered that my skin reacts negatively. So I didn%26#039;t really notice anything was wrong until after I took my shower that morning. Skin was coming off of my nose, my cheeks, my chin, and around my lips. Additionally, this white stuff is coming out of my pores. What is this? My skin has never peeled before. All I used that morning were shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste and they were ones I usually use, so it couldn%26#039;t have been an aversive reaction to those. If anyone could help me, that would be great.
Skin started peeling randomly?
skin usually peels off when it is too dry... but you say your skin cant handle moisturizer.. try applying some cooking oil/ butter before you take a shower.. it might help in not drying up your skin....
Skin started peeling randomly?
See a dermatoligist! It could be dangerous
Reply:It could be a fungal infection. See your doctor to be sure.
Reply:use lotion to moisturize the skin
Reply:You need to apply some moisturize to your skin.
Reply:WOW, Houston, we got a problem.....
Reply:It might just be that you%26#039;re changing your skin. It is normal. But its weord that you%26#039;re getting it around your face. My science teacher told me it was normal for the skin to peel, those are the dead skin cells....they come off after showering and while drying with a towel.
Reply:try olive oil
Reply:maybe its because you didnt take a shower for a while, or you used hot water and your pores opened up and released all of the dirt! ... have you ever been in a sauna and when your in there you rub your skin and you get (im not sure what its called) its like dirt or dry skin! well its probably that just sometimes take hot baths so your pores open and you will have cleaner and more healthy looking skin. and for your face use a scrub 3x a week!


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