Sunday, April 19, 2009

How is it decided that some1 committed suicide if there was no witnesses or notes to say this was so?

my friends son died in ibiza he fell from a 4th flour balconey they have decided he commited suicide. how was this worked out wen there was no witnesses or notes left but there was loads of other factors like sunburn certain medicine he was on etc can any1 help we really need toknow the truth
How is it decided that some1 committed suicide if there was no witnesses or notes to say this was so?
They look for signs of wrong doing at the scene but this relies on the police doing a good job of securing the crime scene for the SOCO - Scenes of crime officers.

The post mortem is a good start for any signs or physical force, or tissue samples under the skin.

Finally not many suicides come as a shock. Most questioned about the death of a love one will often know a probable cause for doing so.
How is it decided that some1 committed suicide if there was no witnesses or notes to say this was so?
Magistrates toss a coin of course, like all other cases
Reply:i think you need to read all the medical examiners reports etc, they and forensics will have come up with the most plausible reasoning for the death
Reply:Very common death with young lads on holday in the sun, skylarking about, trying to jump from balcony to balcony when drunk. Was he with friends? Was he depressed. The situation will never be resolved, sorry.
Reply:it can be decided that some1 committed suicide often if there were no witnesses and they often check under their nails for other people%26#039;s skin to see if there had been a fight or a struggle. the fact that his death was pronounced suicide probabably meant that everything that was found on the body, such as strands of hair or DNA has been found a reason. such as that person seeing him that day etc. taking medicine can sometimes (v rarely - but still possible) lead to depression and suicide

hope you find out wat happened

Reply:he was on holiday...partying...maybe too much drink..slipped and fell over the balcony, it can easily happen....if the judge has ruled out foul play then thats how it will stay, unless you do some research,
Reply:No one knows the truth but God, and there%26#039;s no way you can find out. However, you can use all you know to come to a decision that comforts you. It would be highly unlikely for a person to fall off a balcony, if that person was in his/her right health and senses. It depends on how well you know that person as to how close you might come to the truth about what happened. Of course, you can%26#039;t rule out that someone else was responsible for his death. These things happen much more often than we care to admit.
Reply:If your friend%26#039;s son was on medication and perhaps drank alcohol as well, it is quite possible his death was an accident, due to dizziness, etc. If he was not known to be depressed or worried about anything, it is even more likely to have been accidental.

Was he there with friends? What do they say?

The Spanish police are not always efficient and it may be much easier or quicker for them to rule a %26quot;suicide%26quot; verdict than an accidental death. They also might be protecting the hotel from a lawsuit if, for example, it had a low balcony rail, etc.

I can understand your friends being very upset about this, but having lived in Spain for many years, I would think it not worth their while to fight the verdict, which could be very long, very expensive and perhaps even impossible to change. Spanish police do not like admitting mistakes.

The important thing is that your friends KNOW or feel it was not suicide and that it was accidental. They can tell all their friends and family that, and if people are compassionate, they will understand.
Reply:I know that this is a terrible tragedy but trying to solve unanswered questions will not happen because he has taken the truth with him.

When i found out the love off my life was murdered I was battling in vain to find out what happened but they would only release certain information to imediate family as to what happened, maybe this is to protect us from the truth and sometimes the truth is not the nicest thing to be told.

Just be glad that you were fortunate enough to know such a wonderful young man.

If you have serious concerns about the death then you should appeal against the coroner%26#039;s decision but this can unearth all those emotions that were produced when you all heard the tragic news.

I wish that you overcome this and in time you will understand and learn to let go. the time is now for you too grieve not chase rainbows.

Warmest Wishes
Reply:they%26#039;re usually right cos its their job but its terrificly horrorful when they%26#039;re wrong
Reply:The coroner would of decided this based on medical notes, days leading up to the tragedy ie what state of mind he seemed to be in to others, happy, sad is based on probability and the coroner is well trained in making decisions. If you attended the coroners court then you should of been made aware of why this decision was made.

Good luck in coming to terms with it.

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