Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?

Its been really cold here and yesterday I was in and out quite a bit..Last night my left ear was burning like being under a heat lamp and face..Some say this is high blood pressure.I don't have high blood pressure not even close..I used to have this as a child and remembered coming out of the cold felt like you had sunburn when inside after a day in the sun..My face also sweats in the cold but we are at rather high altitude and people say its normal here but its just freaky to get used to ..I have been checked by a doctor and no heart or vascular problems and im pretty this ear and face thing sound familar to anyone?and what about the face sweating in the cold..condensation perhaps?
Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?
Sure. -Lots of times. I think it's just the sensation of the warm blood rushing back into ears that have been numbed by the cold. I don't think it means there's anything systemicly wrong with you. -Try to wear a long wool hat that covers your ears the next time you go out into the cold. Works for me.
Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?
no they don't burn, but I have had the outer parts of them ache really bad from the cold.

Was the wind blowing? Maybe you just got wind chapped.

alloy necklace

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