Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is it normal for tattoos to be very red after a day and a half?

Got my first tatoo yesterday, great experience--very little pain. However, last night sometime it started burning much like a sunburn, it's located on my hip and got stuck to my pants and I had to pry it off. I just figured this was a normal part of the healing process but today the burning sensation has lasted the whole day and when I went to look at it just now, it is very puffy and red extending two inches all around the tattoo. I've been following the after-care instructions and applying a fragrance-free lotion which only makes the area more red. Not sure if I'm having some sort of allergic reaction or possibly getting an infection(if so, what's the next step?) or if this is just a normal part of the healing process. I've looked on the internet and found mixed information, any help would be appreciated :)
Is it normal for tattoos to be very red after a day and a half?
The first thing to consider is if the tattoo is hot to the touch. Use the back of your hand and see if it feels hot. Infections usually show up within the first 36 hours. An infection is usually shown as a reddish purple area around the tattoo, very hot to the touch, and irritated. However, without seeing it it is hard to see if your tattoo isnt jsut irritated from being stuck to your pants. Go see your artist for sure if it hasnt gone down within the next day. They willbe able to give oyu the most accurate information because they are specifically trained for it.

If the lotion is what is irritating it STOP using it. Don't put anything on it. Overdoing it can be worse than anything. putting nothign on your tattoo can heal it jsut fine. Make sure you leave it uncovered and let it breathe.

Allergic reactions to the ink usually show up as only on whatever colour you have a reaction to. It is possible you are having an allergic reaction to your lotion. Any petroleum product eg bactracin or neosporin is not suitable for tattoo healing (it even says so on the box) and can cause a very irritated tattoo.
Is it normal for tattoos to be very red after a day and a half?
i just got a tattoo yesterday too..and mine isnt doing anything like that but i am washing mine 6 times a day..
Reply:it's just your body's way of protesting. Keeping it clean is the primary concern; and I've found that using bacatracin works best.
Reply:dont use lotion. try some vitamin e ointment. stuff works good. and normal for some redness and puffyness. keep it moist, dont pick at the scabs. if it doesnt get better in a couple days see a doc. there are also some stuff specifically made for tats, but hard to fine. most tat shops carry it.
Reply:you shud try using Neosporin...thats what i used and it healed pretty fast and you should try cleaning it atleast 3 times a day considering you the fact that you are covering it up with jeans and Dial would be a good cleaning soap. Let me know if it gets better =]
Reply:yes it is very normal. i got one about 4 months ago of a indain banner with feathers hanging down and roses that vine around the banner that has my daughters names in it and it turn bet red for a few day put a little cream on it for the first to day to keep the skin soft and it will start filling better.
Reply:Well, fact being that you TORE the scabs off, that would be a big factor to it being red and puffy. Try wearing skirts and no underwear until the scabs are gone completely, I had to do this with my 5 hip tattoos I have so far every time I had it done so the scabs wouldn't pull out and take ink with it.

The burning is most likely from raw, irritated skin...remember you did just get a set of needles pushed into your skin a few hundred times a minute to get that ink into your flesh.

Use Dial antibacterial soap, and try not to use your body wash over it in the shower because the scented body wash can irritate your fresh tattoo.

Don't use neosporin, it tends to fade the ink out of tattoos. Instead look for H2Ocean, it's an antibacterial, antifungal after tattoo care that keeps it clean and won't irritate at all and is the BEST I've found so far from what I've used.

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