Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sun poisoning?

Does anyone know how to cure sunpoisoning at home? My sister got a bad sunburn a few days ago. Now it is yellowish in color and it has little bubbles in it. It hurts a lot. Any tips?
Sun poisoning?
Take her to a clinic and get an rx so that she doesn%26#039;t get an infection (if she doesn%26#039;t already). It sounds like 2nd degree burns, and it is very serious.

You can also drop by the pharmacy and see what the pharmacist recommends, but I strongly urge having an MD doctor look at her and get some meds going!

062007 3:08
Sun poisoning?
wow... never herd of sun poisoning, Just wait for it to heal by itself
Reply:You can try aloe, or damp tea bags applied to the worse areas but this burn sounds pretty bad, she may want to visit her doctor as they have creams an other cures not otherwise available. Hope she heals up soon, sunburns are NO kind of fun!!!
Reply:go to a docter or dermotologist. they will know what to do

if not use some cream that was made for sun poisoning
Reply:theres no such thing as %26quot;sun poisoning%26quot; - if your sister has blistered in the sun she must make sure to keep the affected area clean to prevent infection, keep out of the sun and keep it covered

she%26#039;ll peel as normal sunburn does in a few days, applying aftersun lotion might help ease her discomfort

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