Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why does my skin turn so red?

Mainly just my hands %26amp; feet turn red really easily, and they get hot real easily too. Why is this? I wear sunscreen everyday and drink lots of water, %26amp; it isn't sunburn. It doesn't flake, dry, or itch, it just feels very hot and turns bright red. What can I do?
Why does my skin turn so red?
i know how you feel. My hands and feet are always red! Some people say i might have eczema or something but i dont think thats it. mine dont burn or anything, they are just constantly red. SO RETARDED LOOKING!especilly with nail polish!
Why does my skin turn so red?
This can be a allergic reaction.
Reply:You might be allergic to the sun, or maybe you just have very fair skin that is very sensitive. You hands also might get hot and red if your nervous.

You should refer to a doctor if it looks like a rash or begins to hurt.
Reply:i wouldnt worry unless it looks like a rash or it becomes painful
Reply:go see a doctor
Reply:you would be sun burnt lol or u can be allergic to your pet
Reply:That happens to me too!! It pisses me off, because I am not that light. I've heard of Roscea doing that. BTW, I butchered that word. It's some form of acne. I mean, I can't even press my hand on my face for five minutes with out it turning red.

It sounds like what happens when you get frostbite, but since you aren't submergeing yourself into ice cold water then getting out I don't think it is. Sounds weird get it checked out or see if it lasts for a couple more days.
Reply:Well Some people have a phototoxic allergic reactions to Oxybenzone(check your sunscreen). Try switching to a zinc oxideor titanium dioxide based ones. If that is the case.

Going to see a doctor might be the worst thing you can do for all they are going to do is stick you with pins of allergins until you illicit a reaction....Could run into the thousands of dollars!!! If you want to find out your going to have to pay attention to your daily routine taking notice how long after you do something or come into contact with something and then get a reacton


If you use hand lotions. You could be having a reaction with a number of things such as, Wheat (glutens)or preservative(some people are sensative to hydantoin)!
Reply:Info on Rosacea: A chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin of the face, mainly affecting the nose %26amp; cheeks %26amp; characterised by redness, pimples, pustules %26amp; dilated %26amp; broken small blood vessels. The cause is unknown, but flushing may contribute because rosacea tends to occur in people whose faces flush easily. Middle-aged women of fair complection are most often affected.

Treatment: Long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics usually results in improvement. Rosacea also responds well to local applications of gel containing the antibiotic metronidazole. Patients are advised to aviod aggravating factors such as some types of steriod cream, %26amp; anything that causes flushing-for example drinks cotaining alcohol or caffeine, spicy foods, sunburn %26amp; cold winds. Laser treatment has been used successfully to remove unsightly broken nlood vessels. If this doesn't help, you should see your local G.P.

White Boxers?

I am the same one that asked the question about whats the deal with people downing white boxers. I worked at a ER Vet Clinic for 2 years. I have done my research on white boxers and they are not more prone to anything than a regular boxer are. The only thing 2 things that are different is their color and they get sunburnt easier. They Do not have a shorter life span, They do not easily get cancer. My 2 babies will always get checked for everything and anything. My only question is why do ignorant people kill them and disapprove them. They are just like any other dog anyone will ever own.
White Boxers?
If what you say is true about not having a shorter lifespan and not being prone to cancer then that is a new developement. I'm not trying to argue with you but I have been around show dogs all my life and breeding dogs myself for about 20 yrs. Although I am not myself familiar with the standards on Boxers, I have heard the health issues about them for many years. I have known breeders who also had told me that and that is why they frowned upon them. I sincerely hope that what I have heard all these years HAS been wrong, as you obviously love your dogs and I'd like to see them be with you for many years to come.

You sound very defensive about the info you were given, but the fact is we were all honestly answering your question. The reasons you were given ARE the reason why ignorant people kill them and disapprove of them. However, it's very rude of them to say anything to you about yours. It's not their place. They should keep their opinions to themselves.

Anyway, sorry you weren't happy with your answers. Best wishes anyway.
White Boxers?
i think some are supposed to be deaf, but i dont see that as a reason to put it down. hmm... next time someone comes in requesting to do that to his/her white boxer as the reason.

hope i helped~

Reply:i have a pair of white boxers, its hard to get the **** stains out of them
Reply:i agree with above alot of pure white dogs can be blind of deaf just like pure white border collies
Reply:I never heard any of these things before! And I got confused. At first I thought you were talking about white boxers as in the underpants. Then I thought you were talking about Boxing as in the sport... It was only right at the end I got it!

First, I think it's wrong to kill any animal. Unless of course it has a disease or is suffering etc. I guess people just choose to believe the myth and go ahead and kill them? But it falls down to ignorance basically.
Reply:Because if you are a breeder and show your stock, then owning a white dog is an embarasment, to know that your kennels produced a faulty dog. It's stupid, I think it was 20% of boxers that are born white? If a breeder has a white boxer puppy, they should just not show it and find it a loving pet home! It's worse culling a puppy that could have been loved and cherished than not being able to rewrite genetics.
Reply:There are ignorant people of every kind in the world. Why not put you good knowledge base to work to help people know more about white Boxers???? My sister has one and always gets whites. There are many Rescues for White Boxers to save them from the misinformed (for lack of a nicer name) people. Do a Yahoo search and find them. I bet they'd be happy to have your knowledge!
Reply:I would never kill them but I don't agree with trying to a have a litter of unhealthily pups. I'm thought breeder where trying to bred to improve the breed and not make it worse. Just my thoughts on it.
Reply:Professional breeders euthanize them because too much white is considered a fault and they can't be shown. They only want to breed and show dogs that are true to standard. They commonly show up in litters. I have also seen plenty of healthy ones. I don't believe in euthanizing them either, just give them away spayed and neutered to pet homes--no papers.
Reply:Actually they are prone to certain genetic issues. The pigment in the skin actually helps develop the ear drums. A lot of white boxers are born deaf or blind. This is a fact. This is why show breeders, mostly, drown them at birth. They don't want to deal with them and the other issues that they may have genetically. Now, they are being more accepted and decent breeders are now adopting them out. My next issue is that idiot backyard breeders are breeding whites with whites, which will only produce genetically inferior white's that also are going to be more prone to be deaf or blind. I own a white boxer, that a show breeder gave to me . My mom breeds and shows boxers. So far, she hasn't had any whites appear in the litters.
Reply:They are just people who dont have a heart... Animals are wonderful and people who dont see that are the ones that ought to be put to sleep....
Reply:You answered your own question...Ignorance.
Reply:I agree with you 100%. I would never put a white boxer down. I charge less and require a contract with them. There are a lot of people that like the white boxers and would love to have one for a pet.

floral arrangements

How long do you live or can have melanoma cancer?

just curious cause a friend has a black spot on his back since he was 7 now 24 and it happened cause of sunburn..
How long do you live or can have melanoma cancer?
If melanoma is caught early, it is completely curable. If it spreads, it is very difficult to treat. Your friend needs to have the spot biopsied.
How long do you live or can have melanoma cancer?
Melanoma is the most dreaded form of skin cancer. I hope your friend is seeking medical help. Factors in developing skin cancer are: 1. Getting a severe sunburn in your teenage years. 2. Having ancestry of western European descent with blonde or light hair and light eyes and light skin. 3. A parent or relative who has or had itl

How can i make myself red without makeup?

i've noticed that sunburn makes me look better... that's why i want to make myself red. don't advice slapping please. it hurts and lasts only 5-10 minutes
How can i make myself red without makeup? You definitely don't want to burn and damage your skin! So that's out. You don't want to go around slapping yourself (lol, it's funny). Pinching your cheeks or holding your breat doesn't make the resulting shade of red last too long either. And there are only too many romantic/naughty things you can think about your crush. So, sadly, (and I really do hate to say it): I think your best bet on a beautiful lasting red shade (without injuring yourself) would lie on a reddish shade or blush/eyeshadow/lipstick, depending on whichever one you think of as the "lesser evil". It's a cheap and comparatively safer alternative. Lol, I know this wasn't what you were looking for, but I hope this helps anyway :)
How can i make myself red without makeup?
hold your breath for 10 minutes that should do it.
Reply:go out in the sun esp midday, can burn skin hehehe..but not too long as it can cause cancer. rub on tanning lotion..
Reply:how about thinking something romantic about your crush? i think it will give you a blush...and make you red (or pink?).
Reply:Buy a rosy-red blush.
Reply:hold your breath and strain really hard mix a little facce paint with foundation or cream blush wworks well. xx
Reply:either get a sunburn ( which i really advise against), or mix some light cream foundation with red cream blush and spread across your nose and cheeks.
Reply:Either try some rose toned blush or else u could try sitting in front of a heater or the like to make urself feel hot and therefore ur face will become red. Or u could try rubbing cherries on ur cheeks, naturale...lols
Reply:pinch your cheeks

Has anyone else had any problems with Solarcaine?

It's a medicine that you are supposed to spray on you while you are sunburned. AFTER, I sprayed it on, I itched like crazy. I can't even describe to you how dreadful it was.
Has anyone else had any problems with Solarcaine?
Solarcaine is a topical lidocaine. If you had severe itching it may mean that you have had a allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredient. Lidocaine allergies are common and generally people have tingling, hives or severe itching when using topical lidocaine if they are having a allergic reaction.

It hurts, REALLY bad!!!?

I got a sunburn on my neck/throat surfin' the waves, but the idiot that I am I forgot sunscreen and put it on too late! anyway, what can I do to get rid of the pain? I know, Asprin, aloe vera, etc. How long will this last?
It hurts, REALLY bad!!!?
cold water is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline or tomatoes or vanilla extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white or lavender oil or cocoa butter or salt or tea or potato or shaving cream or olive oil or baking soda or banana peel or petroleum jelly or whipped cream or avocado or bacon grease or corn starch- not until the skin is fully healed!

alcohol might help with the pain but it is a serious risk as it will dehydrate you - so don't drink any. ibuprofen or aspirin will help but larger burns are often accompanied by stomach ulcers, so tylenol/panadol is best for pain if you are gonna tough it out. drink plenty of water or energy drinks that don't have caffeine (gatorade)

i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent). wash the burn and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.

cling wrap alone is ok if you can't get hold of any paraffin. it also acts as a protective artificial skin - helping retain moisture and protect from further damage and pain. cling wrap is cheap and clean off the roll. in Australia ambulances often use this when someone has been burnt. - please note that cling wrap isn't always practical, like on your face.

the paraffin imitates the natural oils, creating a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain by protecting sensitised nerves. both of these factors improve healing - good stuff stays in, bad stays out - that is one job of healthy skin. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids. so put aloe on, and then the paraffin on over the top. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin.

hope this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/alternatives are available in your area

email if you still have questions - send photos

finally if you are really worried go to a hospital that has a burns unit or plastic surgeons. serious sunburn i.e. blisters (and all other burns) should be seen by a burns trained doctor or nurse.
It hurts, REALLY bad!!!?
Try some coco butter, and by tomorrow you should feel no pain
Reply:Get a sothing may burn when you first put it on but after 15 secs or so it feels alot better......
Reply:get some solarcaine. its a sray and it works really well. it will last anywhere from a few days to over a week.have fun with the peeling
Reply:i know this may sound strange but have a warm shower to the point its a bit painful then get out, i have always had sunburns and never tanned all my life and even if i get a burn from cooking this is what i do. Cold water and things that cool are meant as a temporary relief. A warm shower for 10 minutes should take the pain away instantly.
Reply:awww you poor thing! try the aloe gel / lythocain or lynocain. i cant remember exactly what it called but its for sunburns and it cools on contact. it's a gel and it's blue. the pain will probabaly last about 3-5 days. feel better!
Reply:As soon as you realize you have a sunburn, start cooling the skin. Apply cold compresses for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Drench a cloth or towel in ice water, wring it out and gently press it to the burned areas. If you apply ice to the skin, do not leave it there for more than a minute or two. You can also take cool baths. Some people add baking soda or oatmeal in the bath water.

Wash only with mild soap or just clean the burned skin with water.

Drink lots of water.

Apply an emollient type of moisturizer -- something rich, but not greasy. Do not use petroleum jelly or oils that may block the pores and exacerbate your symptoms. Apply lotions to blisters only after the blisters have broken and dried up.

Some doctors recommend nonprescription sprays or creams, but most advise avoiding them. While these may provide short-term relief, many people are allergic or sensitive to the benzocaine or similar ingredients that these products contain.

To relieve pain, you can take over-the-counter pain medicines.

Try calamine lotion for itching.

Some people apply aloe vera gel to the skin. It may not heal the sunburn any faster, but it may soothe the skin and is probably safe to try. Buy it in gel form from a reputable manufacturer. Do not take it internally.
Reply:yeah it sucks right. I did lots of aloe and luke warm showering, mostly just to keep my mind off it. I found that pain killers made it more tingly, but that might have just been in my mind. The worst of it should be over by tomorrow, it was for me. But it will be ichy for possibly a couple of days (maybe sooner), but not as bad as it is right now...
Reply:yogurt....i swear to go it works...or sour cream.....
Reply:Goldbond medicated lotion is like a dream
Reply:Willow Bark is a natural pain killer!

You can make tea of it.
Reply:it depends on if you have sun poisoning or just a bad sunburn. if you have sun poisoning where you get little blisters all over you itll take about a month or so to get rid of. for just a bad sunburn id say around 3 weeks. For the pain either just put aloe on it or just startin smokin crack or somethin
Reply:Ask your Dr. about silverdine! Its a prescrption that makes minor burns go away in like a day! Otherwise solercain works great at temporary relief and keep the burn covered with a t-shirt and sunscreen till it heals if your hitting the beach again!
Reply:Ok you can use Hydro-cortisone Cream and any lotion that has aloe vera in it. Will help the sunburn cool down. Also you can take a damp wash cloth and put on your sunburn. You could also take cool showers to relieve the burn. For the pain use Advil or Tylenol. I got this information on it is a really good site for all medical problems you have.
Reply:Keep applying aloe several times a day until the pain stops. I'm a blue eyed blond who burns easily. My burns usually hurt for four to five days.

Willow bark is what aspirin is made from.


Red color on my arms?

My upper arms are really almost looks like a sunburn. Its been like this for a year now. does anyone know what this is or how to get rid of it?
Red color on my arms?
go see a dermatologist.
Red color on my arms?
Allergy to certain fabrics?
Reply:use sun screen at least for three weeks then see the difference. you did not mentioned any seasonal variation?

Red cheeks?

I HATE my red cheeks! I never know what to do! Whenever im @ my house or around my family im fine and my cheeks look normal. but when im at school teachers and friends tell me that my cheeks are red or that i look like i have been sunburnt. I have heard to use green make-up but that just dries out my face with many other powders and cover-ups. I need help! what should i use!!
Red cheeks?
well i know exactly what your talking about because i have the same problem!!! i actually dont use anything. i just go into the girls bathroom and take some cold water and put it all on my face. and if u wear make-up then just take the make-up that you applied at home to school and re-apply it at school after the water!
Red cheeks?
use liquid foundation wont dry up your skin like dry powder and it'll cover up your red cheeks..
Reply:ok so u have a little problem, and its not a big one, actually its better than having a zit, i can tell u that. but anyway, use the liguid cover up stuff , it prob. wont dry up your face and it will only puy on i light coloring over top of your cheeks so u hav pink cheeks, trust me it will work.:)
Reply:you can try something with soy in it to calm your skin down..the green is out don't try it, it also makes you look like your sick..try Aveeno because they use a lot of soy in their products which helps inflamation..if you want a cover up use a mineral type of makeup like Neutrogena Mineral Sheers..their lightweight and inexpensive and you can put them in your purse if you need cousin has red cheeks and she uses this makeup, she really loves it so its worth a try :)
Reply:iwould use a liquid foundation and then you can even use bronzer or powder over that.

Well, before you put on the green cover-up, try using a moistureizer that will increase the oil in your skin. Then, follow with a powder foundation. Don't use liquid foundation, because that would just cancel out the green cover-up and move it around. Then, use a translucent powder. Since your cheeks are red, after using the cover-up and foundation, your cheeks will show through it all as a pink. In order to look glamourous, use the translucent powder to add a sheek sparkle that will make it look like you do have a gorgeous shade of blush on.

Instead of people asking you if you are sunburnt, they will ask you where you get that amazing shade of blush. You will get to reply with,"That's just my natural skin tone."


make sure you do use the green cover-up. not a normal color that is your skin tone.

Green is opposite to red on the color weel, making it cancel out.
Reply:It's usually only fatties and gingers that have red cheeks. If you are one of the above, you have bigger problems (like being the scum of the earth, for example).
Reply:I suggest using a good foundation that matches the rest of your face.
Reply:omg i have the same exact problem...i hate it!! anyway, i like Dior Red Correcting Cream, it's a light green cream, that won't dry out face, plus it lasts a long time and it doesn't cause breakouts either. feels very natural! after add on a loose powder makeup, like bare escentuals, to finish the look, this won't make skin dry either, cuz it's very light. hope this helped, good luck!
Reply:You may have rosacea or another skin problem, so you should probably see a dermatologist. I know a couple of people who have the same problem. I would recommend that you use a mineral makeup so that you don't irritate your skin. Try Neutrogena or Physicians Formula, or spend more and get Bare Minerals. I know that some makeup brands sell color-correcting primers. Smashbox has a green one to counter redness.
Reply:I just discovered this last week and i PROMISE you, you will see a difference!

Buy AVEENO ULTRA CALMING MOISTURIZER (the spf kind OR regular) and apply twice a day...AM and PM. You will see a difference in 2 days i bet.

My cheeks are really really red always and it stopped in 2 days after this stuff!!

Sun burned lips help?

i got a sunburned on my lips

i think it was my lip gloss it is pretty oily

anyways does any one no any remedies

Sun burned lips help?
I suffer from chaped/burned lips and the best things that works wonders is Burt Bees Lip balm (the yellow tube). It's minty, it's not oily and it sort of refreshes my lips and stays longer on them so I don't have to reapply often.
Sun burned lips help?
omg wow, I never knew you could get sunburn on your lips. Uh, dip them in cold water.. and don't lick them too much they might get chapped.. maybe put a little of that "cooler" thing on it. You know that blue thing.. that cools your back? Or you can use vaseline.
Reply:Oh,you poor thing.Try putting aloe chapstick and if you have the plant,that would be better.If not you could also try A%26amp;D ointment.It doesn't smell that great but it works well.Good Luck!
Reply:oh my goodness!! that happened to me last yearr

there's this ointment/chapstick called "blistex"

it reaaallyy works, and it's sold everywhere.. i think i bought it from walmart.. :]
Reply:well first of all,STOP USING LIP GLOSS! that stuff is a thick pile of crap on your lips! you should try using,"burts bees lip balm"

it helps ALOT! im tellen ya...try it out,,,you wont be sorry!

---glad to help---
Reply:I use chapstick that has SPF in it so my lips do not burn or peel during the summer. Usually they do not anyways but I still like to be safe. I got this really nice chapstick at the GAP. If you have a GAP store near you, you should look at their chapstick selection which has SPF in it. Or, you can go to Bath %26amp; Body Works. They have some really nice chapstick with SPF and other good protection for your lips. Even CVS has some. Hope I helped!
Reply:just put vasaline on them.

itll soooth and help repair
Reply:I ALWAYS use vaseline on my lips.. whether chapped or not it gets them really nice and soft... since your lips are burned it would be good to get a chapstick that has aloe vera in it because that is supposed to heal burns quickly =]
Reply:No, to vaseline it does not help it dries your skin out. It's petroleum - (not a good thing for your body)

Use pure vitamin e on them break open a capsule and drink a lot of water.
Reply:Chapstick, not lipgloss...There is an actual brand called "Chapstick" It workes great, i like the cherry scented one. Its around 1 dollar at walmart..

What good will Viagra do him?

A guy falls asleep on the beach for several hours and gets horrible sunburn.

He goes to the hospital and is promptly admitted after being diagnosed with second-degree burns on his legs. He's starting to blister and he's in agony.

The doctor prescribes continuous intravenous feeding with saline and electrolytes, a sedative and, every four hours, a Viagra pill.

The nurse says, "What good will Viagra do him?"

The doc says, "It'll keep the sheets off his legs." :)
What good will Viagra do him?
I've heard some cures and antidotes for sunburn but Viagra beats the lot! I think I need a few good stiff drinks now fidgety.

I'll soon be three sheets to the wind!!!
What good will Viagra do him?
ha ha!
Reply:That isn't funny! Ewww!!!!!!!
Reply:Oh, good one!

I'm taking it to work; I work in a hospital!!
Reply:Good one. Must be small sheets though.
Reply:too true.
Reply:Ha ha ha
Reply:Very very good
Reply:Ha Ha! Funny! 10/10!
Reply:Excellent 10 out of 10 and a star for that one thanks for the chuckle.
Reply:lol lol thats hilarious!!!! 10\10
Reply:hahahhahahah l0l!!!
Reply:yes very good!!! playing tents!

A protrude scar how clear??

i have a protrude scar for long time,it is beacuse me incur sunburn~~~almost 1 year,i use a vitamin E cream!mederma,go see skin type doctor and the doctor give me a drug all drug i use has 3 month above,but nothing work,who can help?im so fret because have a giant protrude scar and also have concave scar,that all redness,im never trust any acne cream potion already,coz all that potion make me have scar or redness,my father tell me use a DARLIE toothpaste is good than acne potion~~if i have acne or giant acne juz use the toothpaste,after 3~4day can clear no stay any blemish and redness,but scar really hard to solve who can help me?my life is dark !how do i live if got scar at face~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A protrude scar how clear??
First, for the acne, I have never heard of anyone who has had luck with toothpaste. However, you have nothing to lose by trying it.

I am not sure if you are referring to pitting and cystic acne scars or if you are talking about keloids or hypertrophic scars. Your question is not totally clear. However, these scars are notoriously difficult to treat. They can't be totally removed but the appearance of them can be improved dramatically in most cases. There is nothing you can do yourself but there are options available to treat keloids and hypertrophic scars.

Treatments include:

cortisone injections

laser treatment


surgery followed with radiation

Most of the time, doctors will not do "regular" surgery just to remove the keloid or hypertrophic scar; special specific surgery is required. The reason why is that the chances are good the scar would just return. .

For acne scars, the treatment will depend on the severity of the scarring. Treatment can involve:

chemical peels

laser resurfacing


steroid injections

soft tissue augmentation (injection of collagen or fat)

Also, you said you saw a doctor but you didn't say if it was a dermatologist. A dermatologist is essential since he specializes in skin issues. Please see a dermatologist to see what options are best for your scar and your acne issues.

Why Are People Buying Holiday and Retirement Homes In Bulgaria?

With Health, Hygine and Hospital and Emergency Services at such a primitive level it is virtually suicide to spend any amount of time holidaying in Bulgaria and other former Communist Block Countries! Even monor injuries are treated in barbaric a ludacrus ways! My son had sunburn on his feet and the hospital socked his feet in oil and bandaged them tight. They kept cooking until he was screaming in pain! We had to cut them off and force his feet into a bath of cold water! They do not have the faintest idea on basic first aid!

While we were waiting in the hospital an English man was brought in who had had a heart attack and been waiting 5 hours for a ambulance. The taxi drivers in the resort would not take him to hospital! BUY IN HAST REGRET IT AT LEISURE! Spain is still the best place in the world for holiday and retirement homes! Today the medicine and treatment is first class and they have the best transplant record in Europe!
Why Are People Buying Holiday and Retirement Homes In Bulgaria?
Maybe people don't realise or think of them things till there in the situation u were in? why did u decide to go there on holidays? just wondering?
Why Are People Buying Holiday and Retirement Homes In Bulgaria?
It also raises the prices of houses and the locals will be unable to afford them
Reply:People buy in the likes of Bulgaria because it is very cheap. There are other issues to that any one buying would have to evaluate as in available health care, language problems, cost of living and availability of food that they are able to eat.

As for Spain you cannot be serious just ask all those people who have purchased only to find the property seized by the government or even knocked down.

Spain lost then plot a few years back and many people are now out of pocket as a result.
Reply:Its called freedom of choice
Reply:Holiday in Sri Lanka!

fruit baskets

Wat can i do to make my skin fair?

i got sunburned due to a trip at a island.i would like to have some help in this because i look awfull now...
Wat can i do to make my skin fair?
Home treatment includes:

cool showers or baths

avoid creams or lotions that can hold heat inside (oil based)

drink lots of fluids

motrin or tylenol for pain

see doctor if you have blistering

stay out of the sun

if you must go out, keep sunburned areas covered

you can use OTC preps designed specifically for sunburn (to numb the pain and remove redness such as Solarcaine or aloe gel)

The aloe vera gel will help a lot with the redness. If tanning results, there is no cure to get back the "fairness" as the tan must fade on its own.
Wat can i do to make my skin fair?
No sun.
Reply:Tips for great skin

Home Made Remedies For Healthy Skin
Reply:The best thing to do is stay out of the sun for awhile and use lots of lotions to keep the skin soft, so it doesn't get dry and scaly.
Reply:Get something with aloe to help with the pain. Otherwise just time to heal will reduce the redness. And next time make sure you use sunscreen whenever you are out ~ it's not worth the risk of skin cancer later.
Reply:wash your face with regular dail soap.and use ponds cold cream at night for moisturizer.

Should I do it?

The sunburn's got pretty bad, shall I jump?(into/off...*shrugs*)
Should I do it?
Sunburns fade. Death is forever.

That's almost poetic!!

Next time, think . . . "SUNSCREEN spf 30"!!

hey, bluesbrother? That was by Frankie Goes to Hollywood . . . NOT Depeche Mode.
Should I do it?
what the **** are you talking about hun?
Reply:if u want
Reply:you may need to go to the dr, and get a script for silvadine however you spell it, I had second degree sunburns once, it boiled and everything it was nasty.
Reply:Nah....dont do it. It wil get better with time...
Reply:Yes! Into an Ice Bath!
Reply:try head or tail and do what you get
Reply:Go for it!!!!
Reply:relax! don't do it! when ya want to get to it!

relax don't do it! when ya wanna come!
Reply:jump where?

Reply:Yes. It will take all the pain away.
Reply:go 4 it
Reply:no ,u just need to get some aloe vera ,silly
Reply:wont it make the sunburn hurt even more when u hit the ground?
Reply:no. you might hurt yourself... :P
Reply:jump into what?
Reply:Never despair wolfie, there's always darkness after light, the moon will shine again.

Reply:Into a bath filled with aloe vera gell? yes, it will cool your sunburned skin nicely.
Reply:why don,t you have a cold shower.
Reply:i've got a better idea ........................................... CLICK CLICK BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

Joke,husband n wife,must read,courtesy yahoo groups?


During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times.

I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days.

The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often:

54 times the sheets were clean

17 times it was too late

49 times you were too tired

20 times it was too hot

15 times you pretended to be sleep

22 times you had a headache

17 times you were afraid of waking the baby

16 times you said you were too sore

12 times it was the wrong time of the month

19 times you had to get up early

9 times you said weren't in the mood

7 times you were sunburned

6 times you were watching the late show

5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo

3 times you said the neighbors would hear us

9 times you said your mother would hear us

Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because:

6 times you just laid there

8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling

4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with

7 times I had to wake you and tell you I finished

1 time I was afraid I had hurt you because I felt you move




I think you have things a little confused. Here are the reasons you didn't get more than you did:

5 times you came home drunk and tried to screw the cat

36 times you did not come home at all

21 times you didn't come with energy

33 times you came too soon

19 times you went soft before you got in

38 times you worked too late

10 times you got cramps in your toes

29 times you had to get up early to play golf

2 times you were in a fight and someone kicked you in the balls

4 times you got it stuck in your zipper

3 times you had a cold and your nose was running

2 times you had a splinter in your finger

20 times you lost the motion after thinking about it all day

6 times you came in your pajamas while reading a dirty book

98 times you were too busy watching TV

Of the times we did get together:

The reason I laid still was because you missed and were screwing the sheets.

I wasn't talking about the crack in the ceiling, what I said was, "Would you prefer me on my back or kneeling?"

The time you felt me move was because you farted and I was trying to breathe.
Joke,husband n wife,must read,courtesy yahoo groups?
that was nice..thanks for the laughs :)
Joke,husband n wife,must read,courtesy yahoo groups?

v. funny !
Reply:Hilarious Who ever knew they each had different sides tot he same story
Reply:That last bit is funny.

It's pretty good.
Reply:lol :)
Reply:that was a good one!!!!!!!!! lol,,,,poor people these days,,,,,hit and miss,,,hit and miss,,,lol....
Reply:very funny. bets I've heard ever. rotflmao. keep up the good work!
Reply:LMAO! That was great! Thanks for the giggles!
Reply:very funny
Reply:oooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkk but i guess it was funny
Reply:Lucky that it is just a joke. LOL, it might start an argument.
Reply:I loved this joke I'm still laughing.I am going to have my husband read this tonight.It just might help us get back on the right track.Thank you for this joke keep it up please.
Reply:That was pretty funny!!

Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?

Its been really cold here and yesterday I was in and out quite a bit..Last night my left ear was burning like being under a heat lamp and face..Some say this is high blood pressure.I don't have high blood pressure not even close..I used to have this as a child and remembered coming out of the cold felt like you had sunburn when inside after a day in the sun..My face also sweats in the cold but we are at rather high altitude and people say its normal here but its just freaky to get used to ..I have been checked by a doctor and no heart or vascular problems and im pretty this ear and face thing sound familar to anyone?and what about the face sweating in the cold..condensation perhaps?
Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?
Sure. -Lots of times. I think it's just the sensation of the warm blood rushing back into ears that have been numbed by the cold. I don't think it means there's anything systemicly wrong with you. -Try to wear a long wool hat that covers your ears the next time you go out into the cold. Works for me.
Do Your Ears Ever Burn after Being Exposed To the Cold?
no they don't burn, but I have had the outer parts of them ache really bad from the cold.

Was the wind blowing? Maybe you just got wind chapped.

alloy necklace

Errection problems?

i have two problems to address, and i hope you people can be serious, because i have been laughed off of other boards and this is a serious issue!

the first problem is, my penis is slightly bent, to the right..this causes discomfort in my lover and she says it hurts alot


for the past few weeks i have had this flaky kinda plasticy film over the head of my penis, and it hurts when i peel it i have sunburn or something?
Errection problems?
you are sick sick sick. thanks for the two points
Errection problems?
Go to a friggin doctor... why are you asking a bunch of teenagers about this???
Reply:1. sucks for you

2. syphillis
Reply:do you masturbate a lot, something you've done caused this irregular form to the penis and 2nd I don't know what the hell is that about, you may need to seek medical attention.
Reply:I'm not really sure, best advice I can give you is to see a doctor asap.
Reply:Dude!! why don't you ask the doc for complete %26amp; correct info.

Why u even bother asking on forum boards such as this to get laughed at??

A visit to doc will end all ur miseries...
Reply:i don't know? sorry.
Reply:Umm, neither of these are a problem with your erection itself then?

A curvature in one's penile shaft is a common problem caused by an imperfect circumcision operation. Everyone's born with this flap of skin thing that can cover the tip of the penis. In circumcision, they cut that off, and since you end up with a lot less skin, the penis is held back slightly (until the skin can stretch to compensate) If the circumcision doesn't take off the exact same amount of skin from each side, sometimes the penis ends up getting a little crooked. (Mine's to the left a bit) so far as I know there isn't any real way to fix this.

A flaky film... umm, could be a dried discharge. When a guy gets excited, he sometimes starts leaking a bit of a clear fluid that would normally be used to lube up for the act. If that dries, it can form a bit of film that does indeed hurt to peel off,n and it does look something like a sun burn. I can wash it off when that happens, although that takes a lot of scrubbing, and I find peeling to be less painful. My best solution so far is to either wipe it off while it's still wet (I generally know when I've gotten excited) or soak it in the shower for a while.

Of course, if you've been with someone, and you're not entirely certain that she's disease free, or even if this is a new thing that you've never experienced before, you might want to make an appointment at the family planning clinic for a checkup. The doctors aren't the most friendly and accomodating types, but it is free.

My face was really dry when i woke up this morning...any tips on what i should do?it is like almost peeling...

i wash my face everyday, and it isnt sunburned...
My face was really dry when i woke up this morning...any tips on what i should do?it is like almost peeling...
If this is a lot worse than your usual dry skin, I would definitely avoid any exfoliants or scrub stuff. Some of the other answers on this question worried me, so I thought I would respond.

Does it look infected? If this is WAY worse than usual, you could possibly have an infection. Is it painful? Is it extremely red?

I would use antibiotic ointment and not wash your face for a few days. If it gets worse, see a doctor.
My face was really dry when i woke up this morning...any tips on what i should do?it is like almost peeling...
Olive oil is a really good moisturizer.

Makes my face really smooth. I 鈾?it.
Reply:You need to exfoliate to remove all that dead skin (you may even try a sugar scrub) then make sure to put lots of moisturizer on after.
Reply:same thing happens to me sometimes. i usually just put a teeny bit of lotion right on the spot that usually gets dry every night before i go to bed. then when i wake up in the morning i put lotion on it too, and eventually it goes away.
Reply:Dry skin is very common, especially when the weather gets colder. Apply moisturizer every day. Remove makeup before going to bed at night. Avoid the use of harsh soaps.
Reply:You may need to invest in a good quality moisturizer.

May I suggest:

Clinquie "Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion" (that is it's name). I use it and it rocks.. It sounds like you have a very dry complexion.. ask to have the lotion that is used for very dry skin.
Reply:My skin does this in cold weather too. Lots of lotion! Dont use make up that dries out your skin either, if you use regular foundation or powder, switch to a moisture-rich one or a tinted moisturizer. Make sure you arent using a harsh facial cleanser that will strip your face of the moisture it needs.
Reply:A good moisturiser will help morning and night also make sure you are drinking enough water believe it or not the skin actually gets dehydrated.
Reply:Put on Vaseline or face lotion it will help peel faster or aloe vera really works

Problem skin: any comments or suggestions??!?

i can't stand looking at myself in the mirror and avoid it at pretty much all costs. lol seriously, not only do i have acne (which has gotten way better over the past couple of years), my skin is dry but yet oily. what i hate the most is how red my face is; it's just across the middle too. almost like a sunburn only it doesn't fade or get better. i look like a ****** raccoon or something! man during the summer i make sure i get sunscreen made special just so it won't clog up pores, but it really burns when i put it on! and i'm talking about my face face that's red, not the pimples. i've tried all kinds of antibiotics and washes. pro-activ worked great for a week or so, but then it got so much worse and my face burned all the time. it even hurt to touch it. so then i got the gentle solution but it didn't make any difference. i wouldn't have any problem dealing with my acne itself if only the redness was gone. does ANYONE have ANY comments or suggestions??!? gracias ta yal
Problem skin: any comments or suggestions??!?
there is a vitamin complex and cream combo that should solve this problem. email me for details but have your settings allow me to reply back

Pale skin and freckles?

i have really really really pale skin with a bunch of freckles. I can't tan (naturally anyway) and i sunburn all the time and really easily. Is there anything i can do that won't totally damage my skin so that im not ghostly pale?
Pale skin and freckles?
A woman without freckles is like a day without sunshine. This is an old quote but it pertains today as it did then. And, anyone can 'tan' with the right amount of exposure over longer periods of time without harming your skin or you body. Check out herbal tanning solutions.
Pale skin and freckles?
Personally I think freckles are kind of cute. I have always wanted some, which may seem weird. For tanning you could buy some GOOD tanning lotion, not the cheap stuff. Remember not to over apply.

Best of luck to you!

Reply:if you're a red head w/ pale skin %26amp; freckles ... you're gorgeous! be sooo happy w/ what you have. i always wanted what you have when i was little (i was very dark skinned, had long black hair %26amp; no freckles - i looked like a little indian girl). now i embrace my heritage, but so should you. ;)
Reply:Firstly always wear a sunscreen!!!

Try using a fake tan on your body %26amp; some bronzer on your face. Try not to be in th sun for long periods of time without sunscreen on. If you protect your skin now from further sun damage your freckles will fade over time.
Reply:As a healthcare provider, and a fellow fair skinned,freckled person, I can tell you that for you to try to tan is to invite skin cancer. It's not worth it. The best tanning lotion in the world will not protect you...or work. The fake spray on tans are an option..or the fake tanning lotions. Either way, its what you have...we are who we are. I personally have finally decided that I am proud of my ghostly shine. I will tell you that once when I was overseas I was shocked to find out that in England and the British Isles, very white skin is considered extremely attractive. The same in the Bahamas. All of the sudden I was flooded with attention. is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply:I am completely with you on this one girl! i have red hair, pale skin, and freckles, and i used to want to tan all the time, but now i accept it for who i am and i love it! i get compliments all the time on my skin and my complexion! i know you might want to be tan, but just embrace who you are

What a coinquidink!!!!my bff alyssa is the same way.hahahahahahahahaha.


i have no clue what to do.
Reply:check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:--Freckles

ginkgo benefits

Anyone has a tip on how to provide good lighting condition for a venus flytrap?

i have three venus flytraps and one of them just died because i put it outside in full burning sun so it got sunburned anyways i read faqs about lightiung conditions and all of them tell me to either put it on full sun or direct sunlight so how did my plant died if i did put it on direct sunlight..anyways i hav 2 plants left as i was reading the faqs i also read that i have to acclimate my plants on a shade like a week or so outside does this mean i have to let them get accustomed to the outside temperature under a shade before exposing them to the sun? i also have lots of lightbulbs in my room i don't know ift they provide enough light for my plants do they yes or no? wat shoul i do any expert out there before i loose any of my other 2 because it seems like the sun is killing my plant instead of helping it plus my venusflytrap has not even developed the nice red color under the leaf instead it is full green....ty for ur patience
Anyone has a tip on how to provide good lighting condition for a venus flytrap?
I keep mine on a windowsill just out of the sun. The little paper thing about care of the plant that came with mine said indirect sunlight. You could put it anywhere it was getting sun but just not in the sun itself. Also you should keep the soil moist at all times. I usually moisten it every day or two to make sure it doesn't get too dry.
Anyone has a tip on how to provide good lighting condition for a venus flytrap?
Put the plants next to a window and they'll be fine.
Reply:It sounds like the FAQs are steering you in the right direction--the plants should be outside and I'm sure you've read they need to go through some sort of "winter" --whether this is in the fridge or outside will depend on where you live. Here's my suggestion: since you want to minimize the risk of killing them both, move one plant outside into the shade and GRADUALLY move him into part sun or sun over the space of about two weeks. Keep the other under lights inside, as bright and close as you think is reasonable without burning him. Put the inside one in the fridge when the time is appropriate (see the FAQs); deal with the outside one as is appropriate for your climate. They will die back in the winter. And of course, pay attention to moisture--there are tricks so that you shouldn't need to water every day, yet still keep moist. Distilled/Deionized or rain water as you know. As you've no doubt discovered, there's a lot of information online about how to grow these things--read it and find out what the consensus is. Good luck.

Oh, I did give my brother one--he kept it outside all year in the San Francisco Bay Area in part shade. It did well and bloomed.

Edit: I just reread your question and noticed that you say you have lots of lightbulbs in your room. Are these some sort of lights (fluorescent or compact fluorescent) that are set up specifically for growing plants? If so, that might be OK, although outside is still the better long-term solution. If they are just random lightbulbs to provide general room light, that's definitely inadequate.
Reply:You are correct in your assumption that the plant needs to be aclimated into it's new environment. The Venus Flytrap will do better in conditions that provide full sun, if it is a strong, healthy plant. The problem is, plants that are bought in the big box store are often in a weakened state because of the conditions that they have been growing in. High humidity+low light+moisture can lead to fungus and mold. The best information on planet Earth for raising any plant carnivorous can be found at the following link. These dudes have a fantastic e-book, as well as care sheets for each plant and a blog. If I were in your shoes I would go to the ask the experts section right off the bat. Then get yourself one of the e-books and read through it.
Reply:I have 3 Venus Flytraps as well, and they occupy a small space outside the patio of my apartment. The spot is shady, and it usually just gets the morning sun. I generally keep them out of direct sunlight for the most part, and only expose them to full morning sun everyday. I find the full-sun all day advice rather questionable. I tried that for a few months, and some leaves started turning brown and died. Some just turned black around the edges. Sunburn? One started going bad even while it was still forming. It's a wonder they haven't completely died. Ever since I moved them, they seemed very happy. Can't go wrong with morning sun I suppose. And yes, my plants have the red colors under their leaves. Good luck!

How can i get rid of my blackheads? They've been on my nose and chin FOREVER, and they arnt going away.?

I have blackheads on my nose and chin. (at least i THINK there blakcheads) I have so many, that it looks like i have a freckle problem. I cover them up with non-pinmple causing coverup, and wash them every day, but there not going away. Could you suggest a product that will get rid of them? Oh yeah, this probably doesnt have an effect on my blackheads, but in the summer i do alot of haying. Like, last summer it got REALLY hot and we had to do it @ 4:30 in the morning. I got sunburned on my nose, and my nose started peeling. I scrubbed away the dead skin and my blackheads went away. But then, the next week they came back.
How can i get rid of my blackheads? They've been on my nose and chin FOREVER, and they arnt going away.?
1 - Steam your face! I do this right before I go into the shower. I turn the hot water on in the sink and throw a towel over my head to keep the steam in. Do this for about 20 minutes. (I know, boring but it works amazingly!) I do this about every 2-3 days.

2 - Once you get in the shower, wash your face with a black head control face wash. I use Clean and Clear black head control. (You can really use any face wash, but I would use one with little beads in it or one for blackheads) It just helps to clean out your open pores.

3 - Before you get out of the shower, rinse off your nose in cold (cool) water for about a minute. This will help to close off your pores so they arent open to dirt.

This helps me alot! Alot of people have said they notice a difference in my nose already. I also use Biore Pore Strips (you can also get their black head face wash too) and I use them in the morning and at night, every other day.

Hope that helped!
How can i get rid of my blackheads? They've been on my nose and chin FOREVER, and they arnt going away.?
You can try the face strips from brands like Biore and special 'Blackhead Clearing Face Wash' from brands like Clean %26amp; Clear. Or visit a dermatologist and see what they can do to help!

I've used the face wash and strips and they both improved matters for me.
Reply:I would recommend using an exfoliator, and with that one of those puffie things that girls use in the shower, to scrub your face with. Another item you can use is the bior strips for you nose.

Do that daily, and get a face cloth wet with HOT water and place that over your face for a a few minutes, and then rinse your face off with cold water.
Reply:I nesciarily dont have black heads but i do have pimples that never go away. i just got some proactive a few days works pretty good. you can get clean and clear blackhead treatment.

Please don't call me an idiot!?

IF I apply SPF all over it prevents sunburn but I can still get a tan right? Thanks and remember not an idiot
Please don't call me an idiot!?
hey just buy a tanning lotion that contains SPF it will work perfect for both things thats what i do
Please don't call me an idiot!?
Yeah I guess. people who lay out still put on sunblock.


have you been to this site?

Ask any question and it will answer correctly each time.

Wanna learn how to really use it? My boyfriend's friends did it to me and I got freaked out until I knew how they really did it.
Reply:No you cannot tan with a sunscreen...and you shouldn't try. Get a spray fake tan. Save yourself the wrinkles and possibility of skin cancer. No you are not an idiot.....unless you are trying to tan.
Reply:You are not an idiot! Sunblocks have an SPF number, the higher the number the more UVA and UVB light they will block...

You shouldn't tan anyway, but if you must, use a 15 on your body and a 45 on your face and you will get some results.

I would suggest you buy one of those lotions that produce a "glow" or very light tan on your body. You put them on once a day and get a little color and no risk of ruining your skin and having freckles and wrinkles and skin cancer when you are older.
Reply:You're not an idiot. When you apply sunscreen, you will not get a tan. You don't want to get a tan anyway. If you protect your skin now, you will have fewer wrinkles when you are elderly. Tanning your skin is just damage to your skin. It's not healthy in any way. People think they "look" healthy when they have a tan. They're not. How do you think skin cancer comes about? Whether you tan outside or in a tanning salon, you can get cancer either way. Protect yourself now, and apply sunscreen before you go out in the sun, and consistently reapply it throughout the day.
Reply:Just remember that when you have a visible tan, it actually is an indication that damage has been done to your skin.
Reply:Sunscreens have a wide range of SPF ratings (from 2 to 60.) SPF means "Sun Protection Factor." The SPF rating is calculated by comparing the amount of time needed to produce a sunburn on protected skin to the amount of time needed to cause a sunburn on unprotected skin.

So, YES you can still tan while wearing a sunscreen. It just depends on what SPF rating your sunscreen has. I had a very fair-skinned friend who would burn severely while covered in many coats of SPF 50. Unfortunately for him there was no such thing as a tan, sunscreen or no sunscreen.

Oh, and also, you are not an idiot.
Reply:Its actually a good question. SPF will block out the rays of the sun for a specified period of time. For example, if you were to burn with in 15 minutes in the sun, and you applied SPF 30, you would be safe from burning for approx. 45 minutes. Read the packages for the specifics of each.

You will still get sun - whether a sunburn or suntan, depending on how long you are exposed to the sun. SPF only delays the effects of the sun on your skin.

Hope that answers your question.
Reply:you're not an idiot but don't forget to reapply the lotion every hour for continual protection.

Help me!!!!?

i have these 2 red spots on my face, i recently went swimming indoors, and the skin on my cheekbones is bright red, there is no possibility that it is a sunburn. are there any remidies that work overnight, i think its chlorine burn.
Help me!!!!?
Relax, if it's chlorine burn, it will start to disappear before you go to bed tonight. Put a light moisturizer on it before bed. It'll go away, don't panic.
Help me!!!!?
Yes moisturizer should fix it :o)
Reply:Use Clinique moisturizer. I can't remember the name but it is pastel yellow. It will do the trick.

lily of the valley

What could be the best that can be put on my face and body?

bcoz i'm too much exposed to sunlight during our training..and i can help but to stay at sunlight for too i'm in sunburn on my face..
What could be the best that can be put on my face and body?
Go to this website -
What could be the best that can be put on my face and body?
Put tomatoes slices in your face. An thermal water if you have.

And if you have to stay at sun, always use a good protector.

Sun it's the worst!!
Reply:see here lots of home remedis for sunburn

Why are all the baby cactuses in my greenhouse turning all black?

Five months ago i germinated cactus seeds, then when they were two months old i watered them, then i took a vacation i went back and the little baby cactuses were bigger and had more prickles then i watered them, but they were all black is this normal, did the little fellas get a sunburn or what, the temperature in the greenhouse was about 22 degrees celcius.
Why are all the baby cactuses in my greenhouse turning all black?
I know it sounds crazy but you may be overwatering it. Cacti don't need much moisture at all. Perhaps the air is too humid for them in your green house. If they are in soil you should mix some sand with that soil.

i hope this helps!
Why are all the baby cactuses in my greenhouse turning all black?
cacti never need water, but you can give a little once in a while, that could be it.

Aussies please answer?

Do you like our national Anthem? if not, what would you prefer?

I personally like I love a sunburnt country, it has been set to music by Jackie Tent and Tony Hatch
Aussies please answer?
Aussies please answer?
I love it very much. Well you can sing that sunburnt country whilst the rest will sing Advance Australia Fair!!!!
Reply:I think our National Anthem is anthem is supposed to provoke feelings of pride and patriotism......ours just sends us to sleep! The fact that a lot of people don't even know the words proves that!

I think Waltzing Mathilda would be a better choice.
Reply:I love our national anthem better when both verses are sung.... The second verse of the official lyrics is much more powerfully patriotic than the first.. though I am glad we dropped the middle verse of the original lyrics.

Advance Australia Fair - The official version

Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We've golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in Nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Australia fair!

In joyful strains then let us sing,

"Advance Australia fair!"

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross,

We'll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who've come across the seas

We've boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To advance Australia fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing

"Advance Australia fair!"

My Country, by Dorothea Mackellar would have to drop its first verse to be a national anthem... because the first verse, the one a lot of people dont know is about england...

My Country

The love of field and coppice,

Of green and shaded lanes.

Of ordered woods and gardens

Is running in your veins,

Strong love of grey-blue distance

Brown streams and soft dim skies

I know but cannot share it,

My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror -

The wide brown land for me!

A stark white ring-barked forest

All tragic to the moon,

The sapphire-misted mountains,

The hot gold hush of noon.

Green tangle of the brushes,

Where lithe lianas coil,

And orchids deck the tree-tops

And ferns the warm dark soil.

Core of my heart, my country!

Her pitiless blue sky,

When sick at heart, around us,

We see the cattle die -

But then the grey clouds gather,

And we can bless again

The drumming of an army,

The steady, soaking rain.

Core of my heart, my country!

Land of the Rainbow Gold,

For flood and fire and famine,

She pays us back threefold -

Over the thirsty paddocks,

Watch, after many days,

The filmy veil of greenness

That thickens as we gaze.

An opal-hearted country,

A wilful, lavish land -

All you who have not loved her,

You will not understand -

Though earth holds many splendours,

Wherever I may die,

I know to what brown country

My homing thoughts will fly.

Dorothea Mackellar

But basically I am happy with Advance Australia Fair

And um Waltzing Matilda is a song about vagrant who steals a sheep and then commits suicide to evade capture by the police... not the stuff national anthems are made of...

Where can i get a pair of white arm covers for the sun for cycling?

I get sunburn on my arms and my pastor who is also a cyclist had mentioned these thin white arm covers to wear so that i won't get burn ed and keep constantly putting sunscreen on my arms all the time. I also don't really want to wear long sleeve shirts underneath the bicycling jersey in the 90 degree heat while i am doing the bike ride across georgia in June.
Where can i get a pair of white arm covers for the sun for cycling?
You should look on or for a product called arm warmers. They often come in different colors. They are generally for cooler weather so it may be uncomfortable in the heat.
Where can i get a pair of white arm covers for the sun for cycling?
Arm warmers come in a variety of colors. Have not seen to many in white.

Easy solution, cut the sleeves off a white long sleeve T-shirt, then sew some elastic in the top of the sleeve.

You now have a pair of white arm warmers.
Reply:I ride year round in Queensland Australia we have the dubious honor of having the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.

I wear a long sleeve jersey most of the time. In summer we regularly reach 42 celsius (107 f). The jerseys are the best material to balance sun protection and heat. (Any good cycling supplier) Plus heaps of 30+ sunscreen.

I also use an adapt-a cap, fitted snuggly, under the helmet on the longer rides to protect the back of the neck ears and side of the face. (I don't use it as the link shows. It reduces vision to much)
Reply:make a pair out of a man's dress shirt.

growing azalea

I have red tinted skin that turns yellow if pressed on...?

does anybody have this problem? maybe getting a tan would help[though i am not pale, just i am kinda red and its not sunburnt] and idk how to hide it or anything. do you have any ideas how to change it? its not rosacea, doesnt itch, and isnt like puffy, just reddish. like the back of my arms and cheeks especially. thanks!
I have red tinted skin that turns yellow if pressed on...?
omg i have the same thing, i use a tinted mositureizer and it seems to help a little bit

Can someone explain to me, what is going on?? look at details.?

I get very red in the face, and no I am not blushing, but it feels like my entire face is on fire or has been sunburned, but it hasnt. Its starting to become real annoying, and actually embarrassing to even go out, can someone tell me what is happening to me? It happens everyday and at anytime... what can I do?
Can someone explain to me, what is going on?? look at details.?
Sounds like a "hot flash" -- I don't know if you're old enough to be experiencing the change or perimenopause. Some women, however, go through menopause much earlier than late 40's or early 50's. Have hormonal levels check my your MD.
Can someone explain to me, what is going on?? look at details.?
all i can think of is an alergy ... go see ur doc
Reply:I think President Clinton had the same thing. Check it out Maybe it was called Rodesia check my spelling


alright all those acne fighters! here's a question for you. i am starting to take acutane and the first does is tonite. how quickly does it work? does you skin get worse before it starts working and when do u see results from the acutane!!?!?!? any advice is helpful.. also does acutane make u get sunburned and what acne creams did u use when you took it! thanks for ur help
I saw results within 2 weeks, but mostly the levels of oil on my skin and hair, rather than on my spots.

Yep, accutane makes you more likely to get sunburned, so make sure to wear a light oil-free sunscreen. I didn't use any acne creams when on accutane, since none of them worked for me. Ask your dermatologist before you use any over the counter things as you might dry your skin out too much and damage it.

Good luck!

When will the (side effect) redness subside off using Retin-A Micro?

I've been using Retin-A Micro gel 0.04% for a week now. My face is totally red, but it's not very dry. When will this redness (which looks like sunburn) fade away? It's bothering me so much, I just want to hide
When will the (side effect) redness subside off using Retin-A Micro?
It will go away in about 3 weeks, what it is doing is peeling off your older facial cells, and allowing new to grow in, do not stop your treatment or you will have to start it all over again
When will the (side effect) redness subside off using Retin-A Micro?
Usually takes about 2 Weeks for Your skin to adjust to it. Also, if Possible, ask Your Doctor or Dermatologist to switch You to the Cream Version during the winter time, as it won't dry out Your Skin as much.

(Retin-A .05% Cream)

types of lily

Tattoo infection?

Okay, so I got this tattoo 3 days ago near my hip and it is still extremely a medium sunburned feeling. Hurts to sit, wear pants that go near it, shirts that cover it etc. As a result Ive been walking around half naked all weekend haha. Wondering what the signs of infection are? My back tattoo didnt have any pain at all so this is not pleasant. Its not raised or bruised or red. How many days should I wait to contact the artist/doctor? Ive also been warned to definitely not re-cover it. Just wanting the opinion of seasoned tattoo vets. Thanks guys
Tattoo infection?
the skin in that area is moved often, like when you sit or walk. wear lose pants that do not touch the area, wash it with a clear antibacterial soap, and use lotion to prevent the tattoo from drying out.
Tattoo infection?
the reason it hurts so much is it's in a place that moves more than the other....signs of infection streaks... yellow puss....keep it clean and use a triple antibacterial cream
Reply:No need to worry, your hip is a very sensitive spot. It will take longer for it to heal. I know what your going thru, I had a tattoo put on top of my foot and i thought the same thing
Reply:actually, thats totally normal. your back tat had a lot more tissue to work with, the one on your hip is pretty much right on the bone. the pain is going to be similar to that til it heals. it wont be as strong in a couple of days. just make sure that you continue to care for it like the artist instructed you too
Reply:It's just in a hard to heal area.

watch it, keep loose clothing on it, if anything starts to ooze from it see a DR.
Reply:This doesnt sound like an infection.

Heres some signs of an infected tattoo:

Red streaking,streaking off and up the tattoo

Swollen,raised tattoo

Pussing,cracking,and bleeding

The tattoo will feel "HOT"


Your hip is a senstive area, and get alot of movement.your tattoo should and will feel "sore" for the first couple days, tattooing irritates the nerves.and is an "open wound"

If your touching it alot. STOP!

make sure your wahing it no more then twice a day with antibacterial soap, rubbing the soap with your fingers,and rinsing with warm water, and Pat Dry.

DO NOT USE NEOSPORIN ,OR A%26amp;D on a tattoo ever!

Use Aquaphor (Can be found in your lotion asle at any drug store) a small amount enough to have a light layer over tattoo. use this for the first 5-6days

After its heeled up you can use lotion

Non-alcohol,Non fragrance lotion

Cruel or Lubriderm.

Good luck, If it does not feel any better in the next couple days then contact your artist, and or go to the Dr.
Reply:Everyone gave OK answers but I guess is the ink that your tattoo artist used.

Also the needle and how hard they pressed.

I read your other questions also.

Your lotion that you are using

could be a lot of things

Use lubriderm, Don't go into the sun or uv for 4weeks.

its could be irritating it.

Make sure it get a lot of air, don't cover it up when you sleep,

don't get it wet when you shower, Don't itch it, if you have to rub lubriderm on it.

no one can really tell over the Internet with no pict.

My suggestion is

Go back to your tattoo artist and ask.
Reply:its not infected, its just a tattoo. its going to be sore for a few days. Worry if its still sore 3 weeks after. Go see your artist if you have any problems.

its infected when the outside 2inches or so around it are discoloured and its *****. its going to be very angry looking.

I had to break an office chair just to sit down when i got my back done. couldnt sit right for a fwe days either!

Was your Labor Day weekend....?

something to remember, regret, or relfect upon for years to come?

Mine was something to remember and reflect upon for years to come. 2 states, 780 miles, 2 live music shows, 6 bars, 15 hours on the lake, a slight sunburn, and a few new friends.

To the times we will never forget, with the people we will always remember.
Was your Labor Day weekend....?
remembr. my frend came ovr while my rents had a bbq 4 da fam. it was fun. we had a mini food fite ^.^
Was your Labor Day weekend....?
Yes,I spent the weekend with my son and we went to the beach and to an amusement park. We got some sun and had a blast.

Blonde joke...its cute...rate it and give it thumbs up or down pls! =]]...?

A blonde, brunette and redhead are in a desert.

The brunette says, "I brought some water so we don't get dehydrated."

The redhead says, "I brought some suntan lotion so we don't get sunburned."

Then the blonde says I brought a car door."

The other girls said, "Why did you bring that?"

Then the blonde says, "So I can roll down the window if it gets hot."
Blonde joke...its cute...rate it and give it thumbs up or down pls! =]]...?
Ive already heard it but its still funny :)
Blonde joke...its cute...rate it and give it thumbs up or down pls! =]]...?
The tears are running down my leg
Reply:not that funny.
Reply:really bad. thumbs down. Here's mine..... Why did the blond start snorting "Sweet %26amp; Low"? Answer, ... she thought it was "diet coke"
Reply:nahhh, not too good jokes
Reply:funny. it made my 9 year old daughter laugh...
Reply:That one was funny! LOL

I'll give it a thumbs up!
Reply:LMAO!!! I thought it was really funny!!!!
Reply:thumbs down, I've heard better

Why did the blonde get fired from the M%26amp;M's factory?

She kept throwing out all the W's!!!
Reply:lol. heres mine:

a blonde and her brunette friend walk into a store. The blonde buys a pack of m%26amp;ms. Then she opens the pack and starts taking out all of the brown ones and throws them away. The brunette asks her, "Why are you throwing those out? She says, "I don't like chocolate."
Reply:Hey, the third grade called. They want their joke back.
Reply:ok - it sure did make us laugh - me %26amp; my 11 yr. old daughter! good one.
Reply:old but very good ha ha
Reply:OKAY OKAY,,, u guys are missing the good ones

1. what is the first thing a blonde does in the morning? She opens the car door

2. What do u call a blonde with a dollar bill on her head? anything u can eat for under a buck

3. How do you drown a blonde ? put a mirror at the bottom of the pool.

4. Why do blondes wear underwear? To keep her ankles warm

Liver Problems?

Im 21 and ive been having minor liver related problems. Ive drank for several years and took a blood test about a year ago. My LFTs came back kinda high. My doctor told it probably wasnt anything to worry about so i continued my partying and drinking (stupid me). Then i started feeling pains in my lower right abdonminal area underneath my ribs where the liver is located. So i stop drinking Went on a diet for a month and felt great. I started drinking again a month or two later the pains return. I already took another blood test a month ago and if there was anything abnormal the doctor would contact me. I stop drinking for 2 and half weeks now and went back on my diet but a a couple days ago a little patch of skin on my stomach right where my liver is dried up and started peeling. Its just a thin layer of skin peeling kinda like when u get sunburnt and ur skin peels. I dont know if this has to do with my liver or not? Any input or advise would be truly appreciated. thanks again.
Liver Problems?
the skin peel over the liver area has nothing to do with the liver, but high liver enzymes in the face of continued drinking, you are looking at a grave prognosis, you need to quit drinking, your liver will eventually get so bad that it will not heal again, this is a young age to suffer irrecoverable damages to your liver, good luck
Liver Problems?
I agree, the peeling skin is not related to your liver. High enzymes and a painful inflamed liver at age 21! Holy Shite! You'd better quit drinking alcohol right now if you expect to live until you're 40. I'm serious....and so is your condition.
Reply:You are so young and if you carry on drinking you will die young..Your liver cant take any more and you really need to sort yourself out..I have lost someone through liver disease brought on through years of drinking and let me tell you it wasn't very nice..They were told that their liver was damaged and to stop drinking or they would die,they stopped drinking and in the space of 3weeks they were dead..People always think it cant or wont happen to them but it does and it will.
Reply:My liver was also hurting the same way. My doctor ran some tests. Finds out I have a "Fatty Liver". Went on a diet, lost 20 lbs and haven't had the pains since. I don't drink and never have.
Reply:I agree with much of what already has been written and would just add that dying of liver disease would be an unpleasant and prolonged way to go.

Take the cure drink no more


How can I stop my face being all red?

My face seems to be constantly red lately and it is not sunburn or anything like that, I think my facial veins are too close to the surface or something. What can I do to calm my face down and be all white again like normal. It is making my skin look horrible and sore. Is there vitamins or something I can take to relax my veins or something? Please help.
How can I stop my face being all red?
you may be having some sort of allergic reaction or medical condition like rosacea. You better see a doctor. In the meantime, you can use a green based powder, (yes green), like one from Physician's Formula, to dust over your face after applying your make up and it will offset the red and make your face look all normal again!
How can I stop my face being all red?
You may be allergic to a product that you're using. Have you started using a new makeup or cleanser, etc? If so, try not to use it until your skin calms down and then try each new product once at a time to see which one is the culprit. You can also get Aveeno calming lotion to help.

Could be an allergic reaction to a new soap, laundry detergent or just the elements. It's really hard to tell.
Reply:apply some sun cream losion
Reply:There are vitamins but most are very expensive. Try taking time out of the day to just sit and relax. You are stressed out and need to calm down.
Reply:See a dermatologist, you may have rosacea, a skin disorder that causes reddened skin.
Reply:It is a skin conditioned called Rosacea that can be treated. See a dermatologist.
Reply:You can use Sheer Cover or Sudden Glow which was on TV recently. It is a very lightweight powder which you apply on your face with a powder brush like make-up. To eliminate the problem, you can see a dermatologist to remove the red skin with laser. It is quite expensive, and I don't know if insurance pays for this. It might be a little bit painful like getting a needle shot.

Is it true that Germans don't tan easily?

I've heard that German skin doesn't tan very well.. I'm mostly German and no matter HOW hard I try, I DON'T TAN. I don't even sunburn. My grandma came from Germany.. so is it true??
Is it true that Germans don't tan easily?
I live in Germany and I see A LOT of tan girls walking around! So I dunno what to tell you hun!
Is it true that Germans don't tan easily?
Scandanavian skin burns before it tans. Depends what part of Germany.
Reply:Yes they have very light skin pigments because the live so far away from the equator
Reply:Melanin is produced to protect the skin from negative influence of sun rays. If you have problems with tanning, you are more at risk, I think. Maybe some synthesis deffect?
Reply:Absolutely not.I've been in Germany a lot of times and I saw tanned Germans.

Tanning and not tanning is a matter of your genepool (which does not exclusively come from your granny).

I'm Hungarian,I have fair skin,and even tho my dad tans really easily I'm in the same boat as you are: I simply cannot tan.I used to get burnt,now I don't even do that.

My guess is that people with very fair skin do not tan easily.

Try the solarium,it helped me get a nice color.

Oh,and when I was near the sea for two weeks in Italy.Salty weather is good for your tan.
Reply:It's not just specific to Germans! Many people don't tan easily- like Nicole Kidman. My dad is blonde and he has reddish-white skin- he doesn't tan AT ALL. He just gets really red and then burns and then peels. Don't abuse your skin with too much sun because you'll pay the price later. Sun is very damaging to the skin and over-exposing yourself in hopes of tanning will accelerate sun spots and wrinkle formation.

Just make the most of your fair skin- so many colors look lovely on you- take advantage of that!

Anyone know what skin condition or other conditions I might have?

About two weeks ago, I woke up with an intense "sunburn like" pain in my right hip, near my waist. The next day, I woke up with a sore throat on the right side, and an overall scratchy throat, which later turned into phlem, coughing, and laryngitis. At the same time the pain in my hip spread across my back towards my spine. Then it went a little down my right buttock, and a little up my back towards the bra line. It was intense, and I could not stand to have clothes, or anything brush against it.

I saw my skin Dr. after about one week of this, and he thought it might be shingles, but wasn't sure as I had no rash, or blisters. Same thought with my family Dr. A day later a light red, blotchy rash appeard across the waistline on my back, and a bit up one side. A few days ago, the rash spread to my abdomen, Now I have this pain all around my torso. I have read on the net, that you can have shingles without blisters, but nothing about wide spread pain. Any ideas? IN pain and desparate.
Anyone know what skin condition or other conditions I might have?
Sounds like you may have shingles. You need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe an anti-viral pill that will make you sick but you have to take it or the severity may return throughout your life. You will only be sick for a day and it shortens the amount of time you are in pain. Shingles last for 6 weeks almost to the day. Head to the emergency room today because you need some vicadin, too.
Anyone know what skin condition or other conditions I might have?
a unilateral very painful rash does sure sound like shingles, especially with the initial flu-like symptoms you described. Due to it being a virus, anti-inflammatory pain medicine such as ibuprofen is a good start, plenty of liquids, and 6% lidocaine patches which work well on nerve pain like that.

I do not know if it is shingles or not, but the rash running along a specific site sounds like nerve involvement for sure.

A dermatologist/and or rheumatologist would be your best bet for a definitive diagnosis. WebMD symptom checker can help you know what to say when you get there and further narrow down possibilities.

The AAD (american academy of dermatology) is a good site as well. also can be super helpful.

Shingles is extremely painful. Any disease process that affects nerves can be terribly painful. Ask your doctor for a short course of prednisone or methylprednisone dose pack to knock the inflammation and pain down fast. It is cheap, super effective on all sorts of inflammatory disorders, and will make you feel much better fast.

There are other autoimmune disorders and types of inflammatory arthritis that also come with a lot of pain, illness, fatique and rashes. If the doctor could run an ANA titer, a Sedrate, a BMP, and autoimmune bloodwork, you might narrow down the specific cause.

I hope this helps and that you feel better soon. I know it is scary, but there are effective treatments and diagnosis available. The next time someone wants to give you a theory on a diagnosis, ask what tests can help prove or disprove their theory to cut down on how long it takes to figure this out. Good luck to you.
Reply:Shingles will usually affect only one side of the body. I've had shingles and because they are concentrated in the nerves, the pain is unbearable. Did either of your doctors prescribe any medication to shorten the duration of the virus? The pain should eventually subside, but I do recommend getting plenty of rest.
Reply:Shingles pain is the worst! Having experienced it myself, I empathize with you. It can linger even after the rash/blisters are gone. Because it is a nerve pain, pain meds used for muscle pain do not work (such as vicodin, percocet) . Talk with your doctor about meds that work on nerve pain. Don't suffer unnecessarily.

A protrude scar how clear??

i have a protrude scar for long time,it is beacuse me incur sunburn~~~almost 1 year,i use a vitamin E cream!mederma,go see skin type doctor and the doctor give me a drug all drug i use has 3 month above,but nothing work,who can help?im so fret because have a giant protrude scar and also have concave scar,that all redness,im never trust any acne cream potion already,coz all that potion make me have scar or redness,my father tell me use a DARLIE toothpaste is good than acne potion~~if i have acne or giant acne juz use the toothpaste,after 3~4day can clear no stay any blemish and redness,but scar really hard to solve who can help me?my life is dark !how do i live if got scar at face~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A protrude scar how clear??
First, for the acne, I have never heard of anyone who has had luck with toothpaste. However, you have nothing to lose by trying it.

I am not sure if you are referring to pitting and cystic acne scars or if you are talking about keloids or hypertrophic scars. Your question is not totally clear. However, these scars are notoriously difficult to treat. They can't be totally removed but the appearance of them can be improved dramatically in most cases. There is nothing you can do yourself but there are options available to treat keloids and hypertrophic scars.

Treatments include:

cortisone injections

laser treatment


surgery followed with radiation

Most of the time, doctors will not do "regular" surgery just to remove the keloid or hypertrophic scar; special specific surgery is required. The reason why is that the chances are good the scar would just return. .

For acne scars, the treatment will depend on the severity of the scarring. Treatment can involve:

chemical peels

laser resurfacing


steroid injections

soft tissue augmentation (injection of collagen or fat)

Also, you said you saw a doctor but you didn't say if it was a dermatologist. A dermatologist is essential since he specializes in skin issues. Please see a dermatologist to see what options are best for your scar and your acne issues.


Skin allergy due to sun rays....?

My wife's Name is Sucheta,she is 21 yrs old ,she is chain smoker ,she always seems smoking to me.She smokes 120 cigs daily,She is suffering from skin diease ,she is having sunburn on her hands,due to sun stroke...what can be done to avoid sun stroke??????

Here day temprature is very high nearly 40 deg celcius.

so she is suffering from sun stroke?

can she wear hand gloves of cotton of shoulder size that is 25 " %26amp; as well as white Apran to avoid sun stroke?

If she can wear those gloves %26amp; Apron,then tell abt the pictures of those gloves as well as apron.

She is a accountant in an office.The office is 16 km from house.So when she drives a Bike, her hands are sufferd from sun problem in feet as she wears a gumboots upto knee.Her hands remain unclosed so there is colour change in her skin of hands

so she is asking wether she can use white Apron %26amp; white Hand Gloves of shoulder size?

byt colour of her face doesnot changes.
Skin allergy due to sun rays....?
dude, that's like SIX packs of cigs a day!! does she sleep at all or just stay up all day and night smoking??

ever hear of SPF 40????

Skin allergy due to sun rays....?
drink water
Reply:drink tons of water gatoraid ect. and 120 cigs a day that dont help matters dont think it would affect the sun problems but lung problems are sure to follow 6 packs a day?
Reply:smoking is not going to help, what she should do is try to where the white ones they absorb less sunlight.
Reply:she needs to see a doctor. it doesnt make sense that her hands are affected but not her face, it makes me wonder if it is something else that her hands are coming in contact daily. sorry i couldnt be more help.
Reply:stay out of the sun and see a doctor
Reply:use shoulder length hand gloves to cover you hands, and it is always better to consult doctor for more advice, my sister has the same problem so when out in she wears thick jacket, hand gloves for arms and scarf for her face
Reply:take her to a doctor (possibly a skin specialist) ...
Reply:may be pollution
Reply:sorry my dear no cure for allergy. you can do one thing if beauty is what you require then let her sit at home.